I attended two all day sessions you led some time ago in Reston, VA. At first I thought the sessions would be the same old stuff I had heard many times during my professional career. To this day I try to follow as many of the suggestions, advice and guidance I was so impressed with during those two days. That includes speaking with positive language, knowing how to thank and how to receive compliments, providing 3 rather than 2 choices and several other “titbits” of great information I was able to retain from the sessions.
Thank you for getting it right and knowing how to communicate this valuable common sense information.
– Fred Davis, Accenture
Working with Dr. Perry has been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. He has made a positive impact both personally and professionally. He has given me better insights into some of my “personal baggage” and helped me to understand many things about myself and how I act… given a set circumstances. He then coached me on better ways to approach these situations, to get a more desirable result. He calls this “getting unstuck”. From a professional point of view, he has given me practical tools and ideas to increase my confidence and abilities; tools that help me to work better with my peers and clients. The Pull, Access codes, World Class Selling, have all resulted in very positive and tangible results. I can point to the day I began working with Dr. Perry, and the measured improvements that have resulted from our relationship.
– Dave Ehninger, Senior Executive – Accenture
I love this inclusion language. I have been using it all week in my emails and in conversation. It has been working extremely well – I feel empowered, confident, and non-confrontational. Thank you! Over the past week I have found that what I “say” does impact what I “feel” and what I “think”.
– Beth Boettcher, Managing Director, Accenture
I just want to let you know that with your help we closed the deal. We used the going away and three options to structure the deal we wanted. In the end we believe it was a win for all. Thought you would get a kick out of that…
– Ron Aberman, Accenture
Thank you Dr. Perry for a terrific session. I could feel the foundational pieces coming together in a very powerful way. I look forward to further practicing and employing this material at home and at work.
– Ger Daly, Accenture
His [Dr. Perry’s] methods, tools and techniques underpinned a major culture shift for the Communications and High Tech industry group within Accenture back in the late 90’s and early 00’s.
The results were tremendous improvement in customer relationship skills, communication skills and sales effectiveness for my generation of leaders. He’s helped many other executive teams around the globe. What sets him apart in my view are Mitchell’s emphasis on actionable tools, techniques and methods that work, especially in value or complex relationship sales situations.
– Jorg Heinemann, Former Accenture
Ernst & Young
[T]he biggest impact for me thus far is art of persuasion steering chapter.
You are changing my life and I’m so grateful.
– Scott Young, Strategic Account Advisor, Ernst & Young LLP
Thank you for the best coaching I received in my professional career. The insight and tools you provided us will truly be useful, after some significant practice and additional coaching.
Thanks again and look forward to additional interactions.
– Brian Goonan, Advisory Services, Ernst & Young LLP
The Pew Technology Group
I gave an internal customer 3 options a few days ago. She stopped me half way through the 3rd option to say how lovely it would be if we could please do that for her.
It was a pleasure to meet you and learn about The Pull.
– Molly Graham, Coordinator, CRM Systems, The Pew Technology Group
This week in applying inclusion techniques, and optionality in decision discussions; with clients, business relationships, board meetings, discussions with family, and friends. Application of these techniques has resulted in effective results. Participation in your session, and the interaction with my colleagues, was among the most productive and useful professional development meeting I have experienced in my career. I look forward to ongoing development.
– Timothy P. Speiss, Partner, EisnerAmper LLP
Glaser Weil
I really enjoyed learning new skills with you and Dr. Wright over the last six months. While I am unquestionably a “suspicious until” person, you outlasted me (as you promised you would) and I have learned to trust in your methods. Your approach to relationships, both personal and business, is refreshing in its simplicity – it is common sense after all.
– Saul Breskal, Partner, Glaser Weil
Ventura County
Thank you for your wonderful and educational presentation as keynote speaker. I want you to know that your presentation set the tone for the conference exactly as we had hoped. Every topic that you presented from the “yeah, but…” to the “give them three options,” to the giving and receiving positive reinforcement turned out to be almost exactly what our closing speaker, a former foster youth who finally aged out of the system, said she needed when she was in foster care. Ms. Sade Daniels told her personal story and it was amazing to look out into the audience and see them make the connection between the skills you presented and the needs Ms. Daniels said weren’t met because no knew how to communicate.
– Lydia Chavira, Special Populations Educational Support, Ventura County Office of Education
Please accept my thanks, once again, for the wisdom you shared, the clarity with which it was crafted, and the good humor that came as part of the presentations.
– Peter Champagne, Former Bownne
I have a lot to be thankful for and in all honesty much of it comes as a result of your mentorship these days. I apply it daily and share it frequently.
There have been challenges along the way but thanks to the aikido you taught me I continue to prevail. You helped me understand that by focusing on what I internally knew was right for me instead of what I thought others expected, I would become a better person. I understand the man I was, but the man I have become is more than that person imagined. You told me that people like to be thanked and these days I am a ‘thanker’.
Thanks again for your mentorship, advice, warmth and sharing. I know you have had the privilege of touching many lives. You have made an enormous and positive impact on this one in particular.
– Paul Bartholomew