Our nationwide problem:

  • Americans are extremely overweight; 40% of us are obese, 2/3 of us are seriously overweight.
  • We spend billions of dollars on quick-fix weight loss programs and it is getting worse.
  • We continue the practice of insanity!  We perform the same bad habit with the same poor outcome with the illusion that continuing the same habit will result in a different outcome.

Something is clearly missing!

A new study reports that in the course of a lifetime, 9 out of 10 men and 7 out of 10 women will become overweight.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that 40% of the country is currently obese.  Obesity is overtaking smoking as the biggest threat to our health.  

Obesity raises the risk of heart disease, some cancers, diabetes, high blood pressure, and arthritis.  The National Institutes of Health says that obesity causes about 300,000 deaths annually in the United States.  Moreover, the financial costs to healthcare are staggering!

The price you pay for being overweight is huge!

  • Your self esteem
  • Your relationships
  • Your wallet
  • Your health
  • Your productivity
  • Your quality of life
  • Your longevity


The PERRY PLAN places the onus for losing weight back where it belongs–with the participant–rather than on quick fix “diets du jour.” Instead of concentrating on what goes in your mouth, you now concentrate on what is between your ears!  

How do you sabotage your own commitments to lose weight?

  • Loss of control
  • Emotional or situational upset
  • Small setbacks triggering feelings of total failure
  • The discount of your improvements
  • Lack of accountability either internal or external
  • The defeatist attitude prevails – weakness kills discipline
  • Learned helplessness and chronic powerlessness

Therefore, you give up and feel pessimistic!   

So how do you overcome your pessimism and weakness?   

You have to reprogram your state of mind to be more optimistic and powerful because most people, when they feel pessimistic, generally give up, feel defeated, and sabotage their program to lose weight.  It is very difficult to simply be disciplined when you are used to giving up.  

You may also notice that more than half the time you are medicating with food.  You may feel weak, lonely, stupid, unattractive, unloved, old, defective, and/or self-pity.  You medicate with food to feel better.  You order two large pizzas, a 6-pack of beer, and an ice cream chaser… which actually does make you feel better… FOR THE FIRST 15 MINUTES, followed by more guilt and weakness, and remorse.   

It is insane to treat an emotional problem with food!

The Solution?  The PERRY PLAN will give you the mental tools to insure your power to stick with your commitments to change your life for good.  

Here are some ingredients to the Perry Plan:

  1. LOCOMOTION:  The power to move and keep moving.
  2. OBSERVATION:  The skill to eat only when you are hungry.
  3. MOTIVATION:  Skills to operate using common sense to overcome medicating with food.
  4. INCLUSION:  The language skill to program your brain to trust your judgment and operate from strength.
  5. RECOVERY FROM SETBACKS:  To quickly get back in the saddle when you fail.  

The PERRY PLAN is a proven program that will teach you to reprogram your state of mind to one of OPTIMISM and POWER.  When you are operating from strength, you will stick with your commitments, lose weight, keep it off, and change your life for good.  

The PERRY PLAN Weight Loss Program will show you how to WIN AT THE LOSING GAME.  

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