Hello everyone! Life is short. Too often we say throughout our lives…”If I knew then what I know now!”…and then we lament on how much time we wasted: “Why didn’t I do something sooner and repair that relationship?” “If only I had offloaded that relationship many years ago” “I wasted so much time being afraid, and then stalled for too long” “I just kept rationalizing that this is the best I could do!” “I could have…I should have, if only I would have…etc” We could have fixed it, adjusted it, left it, enhanced it, insisted upon it, changed it….. And then we simply keep wasting more time beating ourselves up because we wasted so much time…. SO WHAT TO DO? THAT IS THE SUBJECT OF MY UPCOMING RADIO SHOW ON JANUARY 21. ADDICTED TO TOXIC RELATIONSHIPS. STUCK IN AN ENERGY SUCKING SITUATION. SETTLING FOR LESS. CONSTANTLY RATIONALIZING TO REMAIN AMBIVALENT. ARE YOU STAYING IN A BAD RELATIONSHIP? ENABLING IT TO STAY TOXIC? IS THIS THE BEST YOU THINK YOU CAN DO? WANT TO FINALLY MAKE A DECISION ON WHAT TO DO? That and more on my next radio show – Sat., Jan 21. “THE DR. MITCHELL PERRY SHOW – APPLIED COMMON SENSE” – Sat. mornings – 9:00-11:00am (PST)- KVTA AM 1520 on the radio or log on to www.kvta.com and click on “Listen Live” -write me here now with your questions or call me on the air! toll free 855 DR PERRY (377-3779) Make a point of listening in and certainly forward this information to whomever you think would value from the program.
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