Today in society and business there is clear erosion in quality of standards, conduct and manners. Manners and etiquette play a huge role in conducting successful business and differentiating your brand. Read more
Helicopter Parents
Helicopter parents are parents who call the teacher or college professor to tell the professor to change the grade of their child. How insane is that? Read more
Counter Productive Speech Patterns – Failure Forecasting
Think about how often you hear people say, “You probably won’t like this, or this probably won’t work.” When people say that to me, then I usually say, “you’re right, I absolutely dislike this.” Read more
Counter Productive Speech Patterns – Disjointed Thoughts and Sentences
A lot of people speak in disjointed thoughts and sentences, they start an idea, stop it in the middle, then start another idea then stop it and start another one. Read more
Counter Productive Speech Patterns – “You” Messages
A “You” message is when you tell someone how they are. When you are talking with someone and you want them to know how rude they are, if you say to them, “look, you are rude, you are thoughtless, you are inconsiderate.” Read more
Counter Productive Speech Patterns – The Second Person
You may find that when you talk about yourself, you speak in the second person a lot. You use the pronoun “you” rather than “I.” Read more
Counter Productive Speech Patterns – Self Discounts
Do you ever notice how often you discount yourself? You will say, “I’m just lucky to be here.” “I’m not really educated on this.” “This is probably beyond my pay grade.” “I don’t know much about this.” “This may be a stupid question.” Read more
Counter Productive Speech – Present Intentions in the Past Tense
Do you ever notice that you will say, “I wanted to ask you…” “What I was going to ask you was…” “I just wanted to thank you.” Read more
Security vs. Dependency
Think about how often you opt for security. You will stick with the same job you dislike because you’ve got seniority or because you’re vested, you stick with the same mate you dislike because you think, “well, who else will have me?” Read more
Relationship Killers – Contempt
If you think about your relationship with your mate and one or both of you is full of contempt for the other, that absolutely will kill the relationship. It is the most toxic thing you can do. Read more