It is absolutely critical to continually demonstrate respect to your partner.
Relationship Foundations – Flexibility
Flexibility is deal making.
Relationship Foundations – Openness and Intimacy
It is critical to let each other in.
Relationship Foundations – Tolerance
There are qualities about your mate that you need to tolerate.
Helicopter Parents
It is important to provide good role modeling.
Counter Productive Patterns of Speech – Failure Forecasting
You help people to conclude that failure is on the horizon
Counter Productive Patterns of Speech – Disjointed Thoughts and Sentences
People get uncomfortable.
Counter Productive Patterns of Speech – “You” Messages
Use an “I” message.
Counter-Productive Patterns of Speech – Speaking in the Second Person
You are watering down your authenticity.
Counter-Prouctive Patterns of Speech – Self-Discount
You are teaching people how to treat you.