Failures and Life’s Lessons


This could clearly suggest that it would be COMMON SENSE to learn the lessons with all dispatch. On the other hand, common sense is very uncommon.

This axiom certainly seems to apply to most all of us, and if you think about the development of the human species over the last few thousand years, it can be successfully argued that these lessons continue to be repeated with entirely too little progress in the “LEARNING” department, particularly when it comes to how people conduct themselves around one another.

So, let’s take a look at how we might learn lessons sooner and more effectively in order to make faster course corrections and improvements in our lives.

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Losing Weight – Learning to Overcome Pessimism

Our nationwide problem:

  • Americans are extremely overweight; 40% of us are obese, 2/3 of us are seriously overweight.
  • We spend billions of dollars on quick-fix weight loss programs and it is getting worse.
  • We continue the practice of insanity!  We perform the same bad habit with the same poor outcome with the illusion that continuing the same habit will result in a different outcome.

Something is clearly missing!

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When we were little, we loved to pretend. In fact, we really enjoyed playing “let’s pretend” with our friends. We associate having fun with those memories, and often still daydream and take pleasure in fantasizing about our lives, our future, and our circumstances.

The good news is that pretending is fun; it allows us to dream, fantasize, and believe in the magic. The bad news is, sometimes we hide in pretending as a method to avoid dealing with reality.

REMEMBER, there is always a gap between how life should be and how life is. That gap can be small or huge. When we pretend to excess, we imagine how life is supposed to be… and we often get lost in those imaginations. Read more

Enlightened Perspectives

Below are statements gathered from dozens of people, ages 5 to 95, many of which were collected in Live and Learn and Pass it On, Volume II.

For your consideration:

I’ve learned… that the best classroom in the world is at the feet of an elderly person.

I’ve learned… that when you’re in love, and you find your smile, it shows.

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Hiring for Character


What do you do when you have an important position to fill?

If you are like most people, you post an open position on your favorite job site or call the local recruiter with the specifications for the position.

How much do you really know about what you are getting when you plow through a mountain of resumes?

A resume can tell you whether the person is capable of performing the job.  A resume is unable to tell you much about the person behind it.

Can you afford to make the wrong hiring decision? What do you do when you have to fire someone?  Are you able to fire them or are they protected by a collective bargaining agreement, tenure or other reason?  Read more

Saving Money – It’s Common Sense! The 10% Factor

Think about the concept of saving money. It is clearly a very good idea. It’s practical, logical, pragmatic, obvious, prudent, and in the bandwidth of common sense.

It is difficult to imagine that it is a bad idea to save money. Everyone knows that if you regularly save money, over time you will have a lot of it, and your financial future will be much more secure.

If all that is true, then how is it that so many people are so bad at saving money? Most of us know it is a good idea to adopt the habit of saving money, yet most of us have so much trouble getting started.

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Telling = Push; Persuasion = Pull

Think about how you try to persuade anyone to do anything.  Most of the time when you try to advise, recommend, urge, suggest, or persuade anyone to take your advice, you PUSH, you TELL, you routinely give answers.  And, you may end up bewildered because very often, your answers are accurate and wise, you are well-intended, and your advice is in their best interest.

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Dealing with Difficult People in Business

People can be difficult… and dealing effectively with people in business is crucial to your success.  When you learn how to identify and deal more effectively with people’s behavior in business you are way ahead of the game, and your career (and sanity) will benefit enormously.  These skills and benefits can be of great value in the following circumstances: Read more