Check out The “Couples’ Cruise” with Dr. Perry.

Dr. Perry’s Couples’ Cruise of Alaska continues with a final day at sea. A fabulous way for you and your partner to get to know the beautiful ship a little better with a walk around the deck or to get to know each other a little more with a day in your beautiful cabin offering amazing ocean views. All you have seen, all you have learned comes together today and for the rest of your life. Dr. Perry’s Couples’ Cruise. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with the best relationship expert in the world, book today.

Improving Your Effectiveness by Improving Your Appearance

Research says that when people encounter you, what they are likely to remember is about 10% of what you say, 35% of how you say it, and 55% of how you look; which means that 90% of what people remember has to do with packaging, it has to do with the way you look.  If you look good and dress up, if you improve your appearance, people are going to pay more attention to you.  Therefore, my recommendation is to take pride in your appearance and improve it… press it, shine it, cut it, shave it, color it, curl it, brush it, elevate it, tuck it, and pluck it.  When you do, you’re going to look more attractive and you are going to have more pride in your appearance and people will pay more attention.  So, improve your appearance and the environment will as well.  

Dr. Perry’s Personal Appearance At Jewelry Couture!

I am taking my radio show on the road this Saturday! Join me at Jewelry Couture from 9 to 11 in the morning and share your “Couples Story” with my audience. How you met… first date… how the question was popped… your couples’ story will be heard on News Talk 1520 KVTA! A reception follows the program where you and your significant other learn about my romantic “Couples Cruise” to Alaska! Jewelry Couture is the premier store for beautiful bling that will make your heart sing! Cheers!

The Couples’ Cruise Continues, Grab Your Camera!

Dr. Perry’s Couples’ Cruise includes one of the most picturesque places on the planet, Alaska’s Inside Passage. Grab your camera and get ready for “photo ops” of fjords and bays that sea lions and whales call home. As you and your partner make your relationship closer and closer you continue on your Couples Cruise with a romantic day at sea ahead of you. Limited space available so click away and cruise Alaska with Dr. Perry and Jewelry Couture. Follow this link to romance!

Announcing Your Honesty

Do you ever notice you’ll do that? You’ll say things like, “Well, to be quite honest…” or “I’m gonna be honest,” or “Do you want me to be honest?” It’s interesting that when people ask me, “Do you want me to be honest?” I usually answer, “No, it would be out of character for you, it’s really out of order for you to be honest.” They then look at me as if I’m sort of strange. The reality is that what you intend is quite different from how it is received when you announce your honesty. If you say, “to be quite honest, here is my position…” It almost is received in the following way, “What, you’ve been deceitful so far?” My recommendation is if you must say something, say, “frank,” or “candid” or “direct.” Instead of saying “to be quite honest” say “to be quite frank.” You’ll notice that you’ll get more the results you’re looking for without that kind of question.

The Yeah But’s

The Yeah buts… Do you ever notice how people get engaged into that kind of conversation? “Well, I think we ought to do this” “well, yeah but that won’t work.” Do you ever notice that when you “yeah but” on each other you are actually creating more of a conflict because the words “yeah but” are a contraction for a much larger implied phrase. “Yeah, I may or may not have heard what you just said, but now I want to say what I have been rehearsing while you’ve been blabbering.” The reality is that if you want to increase the contest, keep doing the “yeah buts.” On the other hand, I recommend that you change the “yeah buts” to “on the other hand.” When you do that, it is much less of a contest and people are now beginning to listen. So, instead of “yeah but,” do “on the other hand.”

Dr. Perry’s Couples’ Cruise, next stop: Alaska’s Gold Country, Skagway!

Dr. Perry’s Couples’ Cruise is all about romance and relationships. You and your partner will love every port on this once-in-a-lifetime tour of Alaska. After Juneau you set sail to Skagway where Gold Fever was at epidemic levels at the turn-of-the-century… excursions are by way of trains, planes and yes automobiles as the romance of adventure and the prospect of finding a nugget or two yourself make this port a fabulous day of discovery. The biggest discovery for everyone on Dr. Perry’s Couples Cruise is the increased love and depth in the relationship between you and your partner. World Class Cruising and the Relationship Expert, Dr. Perry. Sign up today, your cruise is just a click away.

Dr. Perry Introduces The Fundamental Five “G’s'”!

This Saturday, February 25 I will be presenting the first of my “Fundamental Five “G’s” for a Common Sense life! The first of the five is “GUTS” Operating From Strength. Everything about your life originates from your relationship with yourself. How you choose to see what is in the mirror determines all your life’s outcomes, rewards and consequences. What you radiate you attract. People will treat you the way you teach people to treat you. If life is going well… you did that, if life stinks, you did that, and if life is a new level of under-whelming vanilla… you did that too. So regardless of how you might like to snatch a rationalization from the jaws of logic, every morning you always wake up you, so you are always attending that party. So it is insane to continually attend a party where you do not like who is there. Therefore my next radio show is devoted to providing a simple, cogent and easy to understand method on how to strengthen your self concept and operate from strength instead of continually compensate for weakness. Plan to tune in and let me know what you think. Listen on the air at 1520 AM or stream on-line at This Saturday morning, February 25th from 9a to 11a Pacific Time!