A “You” message – Counter Productive Patterns of Speech

Do you ever notice that when you try to get somebody’s attention to tell them how their behavior bothers you, you tell them how they are? You say, “You’re thoughtless,” “You’re inconsiderate”, “You’re a jerk.” Well even if you are right, you are going to get defensiveness from that person. Suppose you really want to get their attention and want them to change their behavior. Instead of saying, “You’re thoughtless, which is called a “you message,” suppose you say, “I have trouble with your behavior.” It’s called an “I” message. So replace those “you” messages with “I” messages. So instead of saying, “You’re a jerk,” “You’re thoughtless,” “You’re inconsiderate.” You would say, “I have trouble with your behavior, which by the way appears to be very jerk-like.” When you do it that way, you are going to get much more receptiveness with a lot less defensiveness.

Speaking in the Second Person – Counter-productive Patterns of Speech

Continuing on the subject of counter productive patterns of speech, I want to talk about speaking in the second person when you are talking about yourself.  Most people do it out of habit.  Instead of using the pronoun “I” when you are talking about your own experience, you actually use the pronoun “you.”  Examine what this would be like if I were to say to you, “well, you know when you get into the studio to do a recording, well you have to do a lot of takes and you feel kind of frustrated,” or I could say, “when I go into the studio, I record a lot of takes and sometimes it’s frustrating and then I hit it and it really works well.”  So what is the message?  The message is, when you are talking about yourself, speak in the first person, it is more genuine and received better.  

May 2012


Taking things too personally is a colossal waste of time and energy. You will notice afterwards you had very little to do with what you catastrophized about. 

Dr. Mitchell Perry

Taking Things Too Personally “I take things too personally” is a remark I hear frequently from clients and friends. If your spouse comes home crabby, do you feel responsible, guilty, irritated, and finally, crabby yourself? If you fail to get an invitation to lunch, or to a party or wedding, do you take it personally and then doubt yourself and your popularity? If someone else gets the contract, do you believe you have failed to deliver? If your boss forgets to say good morning, do you automatically think that he/she is mad at you? If your guests want to go home early, does that immediately suggest they dislike your company?

Frequently, we have our whole day ruined because someone else’s behavior rubs off on us, and we feel responsible. We often find that whenever someone else is upset, we feel a great pressure that somehow we are to blame. As a result, we take their behavior personally, which makes us defensive, anxious, miserable and insecure.

 It is important to gain some understanding as to the roots of this problem, and look at some possible reasons why we become hypersensitive and take things too personally. With this understanding, you’ll gain some valuable perspectives on how to handle the problem.

1. Setting up a crisis to look for approval.
 Most of us have a great need for approval and validation from others. We want to get strokes and reinforcement on a regular basis from just about everybody. Sometimes, we will deliberately set up situations in order to receive reinforcement. When we take things personally, we are invariably upset by feeling responsible for another person’s mood or behavior. Often this creates a crisis whereby other people now have to reinforce us and give us the approval that we’re okay.

 2. Obtain insurance for belonging to others and against having to be alone.
 Many of us have a great problem with the thought of being alone. Moreover, many of us have spent our entire lives without ever having been alone, so the prospect of being alone creates great panic and anxiety. We’ll strive consciously and unconsciously to connect and belong with other people. Taking things too personally is a device to ensure “belonging” with others. When you feel responsible for another person’s behavior, you get to belong to that person’s situation and therefore can avoid feeling alone. You may find that if you have a great need to take care of other people and belong to them, you will also tend to take personally many of the moods and situations that they own. In this way, hypersensitivity becomes a device which allows us to avoid being alone and promotes the feeling that we have a place of great significance -we get to be responsible (for someone else’s behavior!)

3. Obtain insurance against maturing, growing up, and being an adult.
When taking things very personally, many people exhibit childish and infantile behavior. Sometimes they pout, behave in a socially inappropriate way, become very silent and cold, or become dramatic and explosive. Much of the time, this kind of behavior is both childish and counterproductive to progress in relationships. In addition, when people take things too personally, they fail to distinguish themselves from the behavior of others; they are unable to differentiate between what is inside or outside of them. They tend to lose track of whose behavior is whose! This condition, referred to as over-generalizing, occurs when an individual thinks that he/she is always, in some way, connected to the behavior of others (much the way children think). By taking something too personally, you have ensured that you can behave childishly because you think you must have something to do with another person’s mood or behavior. Consequently, the process of maturing, growing, and being adult is retarded.

4. We get to enhance our narcissism.
 Narcissism is the tendency to be wrapped up in ourselves – thinking the world revolves around us. Most adolescents feel this way. They are obsessed with their clothes, activities, social groups, fads, language, and their impact on others. They delude themselves into thinking they are necessary and central to the progress of everything. Narcissism is the need to be significant and important. Taking things too personally enhances narcissism because if we think we must be responsible for external events, then we’ve just reinforced the delusional need to be important and significant to everything and everyone around us. Certainly the tendency to take things too personally is quite common and extremely counterproductive. Hypersensitive people are always ready to react to others around them and are rarely, if ever, in a proactive control position. In addition, the thinking focus is geared toward outcome rather than process. For these types learning is absent and is unfortunately replaced by observing, agonizing, and obsessing about themselves.

What can you do? When you observe distressing behavior in someone else and find you’re taking it too personally, it will help to consider the following three questions:

1. “Am I responsible for what has just occurred?”
 When a loved one, friend, or business associate is in a bad mood, seems irritable, pouty, depressed, impatient, defiant, etc., ask yourself the question “Am I really responsible for this person’s behavior?” Often you will realize that you are seldom if ever responsible, and the other person has chosen to behave that way for a myriad of reasons unconnected to you. Further, if the person refuses to tell you what is wrong, avoid fretting over the problem and feeling anxious about it yourself. Just let the person be miserable and give him/her permission to explain whenever he or she is ready.

2. Is this my problem?
 This question is critical. There are times when “yes” appears to be the only answer. Even when the other person’s behavior has absolutely zero to do with you, it still appears to become your problem. However, it is important to remember that the problem only becomes yours when you choose to make it yours. It is much more likely, after some serious evaluation, you will conclude that the problem is in fact owned by someone else. So the answer to this question should typically be a very reassuring “no”.

3. Do I have to get upset?
Certainly you can get upset if you want. You can become anxious, worried, and lean toward crisis-junkie catastrophizing, but do you really have to? Is it a necessary obligation that you must be upset? Remind yourself that being upset is a choice, and that you can choose to remain calm and unaffected by the other person’s behavior. Further, it is important to renounce the thinking that becoming upset is a way of showing you care about another person. There are other numerous and appropriate ways of showing high regard. Caring is typically unrelated to self-thrashing.

These three questions are immensely helpful in controlling the natural knee-jerk reflex of becoming hypersensitive and taking things too personally. Whenever you start to automatically feel responsible for situations happening around you and begin doubting your own adequacy, these questions can help control that temptation.

So again, remember to ask yourself:
 1. Am I responsible for this person’s actions? 
 2. Is this my problem? 
 3. Do I have to get upset? 

When one or more of the answers is “no”; you will begin to notice rapid growth and recovery in yourself, and waste less time on unnecessary conflict, anxiety, or hypersensitivity.

In conclusion, ask yourself the following: 1. What am I noticing about my tendency to take things too personally? 2. What are my options? 3. What am I learning about these options? 4. What will I now do differently? You will see rapid growth in yourself and spend far less time consumed with unnecessary conflict or anxiety.

Hey Guys!
When your woman gets emotionally spun-up — sometimes she turns into the “Wicked Witch of the West” and so what do you do? Tell her she’s irrational? Abandon her? Pour water on her?

Do you ever notice that those all work poorly? What to do instead? SCOOP HER! (See below)

Dr. Perry on You Tube New: Scooping

 The Magic is in the obvious… so, Embrace Common Sense!

 This is the latest in my You Tube videos… SCOOPING! It works! Check it out.

As we all know, common sense is very uncommon! That is why we have put together some video vignettes that are sensible, prudent, practical, logical, and reflecting sound judgement. There are now 12 video vignettes on several subjects including:

  •  Responding to a Thank You 
  • The Yeah Buts 
  • The Success Formula 
  • Taking Things Too Personally 
  • Common Sense 
  • Shoulding on Others 
  • Reinforcement 
  • Multiple Options 
  • Thank You Notes 
  • Announcing Your Honesty 
  •  Scooping 

We’ve had great response so far, with over 2500 views! There are many more to come, so please let us know what you think. Log on to http://www.youtube.com/user/JMPerryLearning#p/u.

If you want to DO WHAT YOU KNOW, you must equip yourself with the TOOLS to help you engage COMMON SENSE.

The Self-Discount — Counter-productive Patterns of Speech

One of the most common habits that people have is they do a self-discount. The self-discount is where you actually water-down your perspective before you even announce it. It’s like saying “well, I’m not very educated about this,” or “I don’t know much about it, but here we go.” It’s like saying, “I’m lucky to be breathing.” So instead of watering it down, how about you actually promote it. Instead of saying, “I’m not very educated about this,” simply say, “Well, from my perspective, here are my thoughts.” You are going to get more attention from people when you actually promote your idea rather than apologize for it. So stop watering it down, it’ll make a difference.

Weddings, Relationships and Weight Loss

This podcast is a conversation about what a woman goes through to have the perfect wedding party without taking the long-term relationship into consideration. While a picture-perfect wedding is wonderful, being prepared for the years to come is essential, this podcast sheds light on the real needs for happiness and optimizes the prospects for a Golden Anniversary. Enjoy.