Summary Close

A summary close takes place after everything is all said and done, and you think you’ve reached agreement; it’s always helpful to summarize to the person your understanding of the agreement. If you do that, it actually puts a bow on it. The summary close is extraordinarily valuable even when you are just making an appointment. So, if you are talking with someone on the phone, and you know you are going to meet them next Tuesday at nine, just before you hang up say, “Well, once again, to confirm, I’m going to see you at your offices, on Tuesday at nine.” It is remarkable how a summary close can help people feel like you now have confirmation on everything and sometimes they say yes, and they want to buy something more.

Component Close

Often when you are talking to someone trying to persuade them to do something, you are going to have subjects meandering all over the place and you need to keep track.  What is helpful is simply say, “Let me interrupt you for a moment and tell you what I think I understand so far.”  If you do that, you keep the relationship on track, the conversation makes sense, and you summarized what you understood in components.  When you do that, the person actually is relieved, because you are managing the conversation.  So a component close is dividing up the conversation into bits by saying “let me tell you what I think I understand so far and see if I’m right.”  When you do that the person is going to feel relieved and you are going to stay on track.  

Closing the Deal

Lots of people have trouble with the notion of closing because it creates all kinds of fear of rejection. You can calm down your fear of rejection by remembering that closing starts at the beginning. Remember the open-ended questions and use them a lot. When you ask open-ended questions, the person is going to come to conclusions sooner and you get them signed up to buy. Remember questions like this, “How would you like to proceed? What’s the next step? How would you like a proposal? How many would you like? When do you want to start?” If you remember those kinds of questions, you are going to get much less anxiety and you’re much more likely to close the deal sooner.

Logical Sequencing of Questions

If you are logical, this will appeal to you and it will particularly work if the person to whom you are talking is also logical. You will want to remember your algebra. If you remember algebra, you remember something like this: If A is true and if B is true then C must also be true. If you remember it that way, then you can create questions in that sequence and get somebody to conclude that it is a good idea to buy. Sir, would you agree that this is important. Yes. Would you also agree that that is important? Yes. Well, then clearly this product would be good because it would serve your needs. Oh, I see what you are talking about. If you think about it that way and position those questions, with practice you are going to get much better sales and much better results.

A Leading Question

A leading question is a question that answers “Yes” all the time, and you start it with “certainly” or “of course.”  When you do this, think about what is obvious.  It is curious that when you point out the obvious, people actually get relived and they are much more interested in buying or they feel very good about the value.  You might say something like this, “Certainly you are going to want to get the best return on this investment” or “Of course you’ll want this to come in on time and on budget.”  If you remember, pointing out the obvious, open with “certainly” or “of course,” the person actually likes it and they feel much better.  So, it might work something like this, “Certainly you are going want to read this blog on a regular basis.”  

Happy Holidays!

Hello Everyone,

Get your Merry on!

Dr. Mitchell Perry


It’s time for sleigh bells, and Santa, and children demanding,
Chocolates, and gingerbread… our waistlines expanding.

Off criticize, off chastise, and offload your Grinch,
On spiritize, on cheeryize – find your smile… it’s a cinch!

Your worry, your thrashing, your obsessing must leave,
With your family and friends, t’is the season to Believe.

As you imagine all day, your dreams warm and aglow,
Your lovee and you, smoochin’ ‘neath the mistletoe!

Fill the season with caroling, and be sure to be quick,
You know it’s for certain, you’ll be seen by St. Nick!

With Rudolph, and bubbly, and chestnuts together,
You can kick up your heels, and keep dancing forever!

As you think of the stockings, and tinsel, and bows, 
New clothes and shoes, from your head to your toes!

So start wrapping the presents, and hanging the holly,
Trimming the tree, and displaying your jolly!

Add the egg nog, the cakes, and the goodies gourmet,
You must join in the weight gain without further delay!

When your life is so touched, it’s the way of the heart,
You sure have touched ours, right from the start!

On our sleigh ride together, measure for measure,
Instead of “not bad”, it’s indeed been OUR PLEASURE! 

From all of us at JM PERRY, with abiding affection we bequeath,
For YOU and your MERRY, enjoy a smile, a hug, and a holiday wreath!

May you and yours have a VERY MERRY PERRY HOLIDAY!