Show people that you understand.
Counter Productive Speech Patterns – Self Discounts
Do you ever notice how often you discount yourself? You will say, “I’m just lucky to be here.” “I’m not really educated on this.” “This is probably beyond my pay grade.” “I don’t know much about this.” “This may be a stupid question.” Read more
“If you can’t do it right, don’t do it at all.” Does this sound familiar? Do you ever notice that when you hear this, you simply want to stall? And before you know it, your life has passed you by and all you do is COUNT moments rather than LIVE them.
So, get off your backside and get going! Remember, “DOING IT RIGHT IS SECONDARY… DOING IT IS PRIMARY!”
Dr. Mitchell Perry
Let’s wait and see what happens, this isn’t a good time. I want to think about it. I need more time first. I might do it wrong… I might make a mistake. I just don’t want to right now. I wish something would happen. I’m not quite ready to do that. I don’t want to talk about it.
Stalling, waiting, marking time, holding steady; does this sound familiar?
All too often, most people would rather describe a problem than solve it, react more than pro-act – passive more than active. The result… just more time rehearsing and refining their problem description skills without taking any action.
Do you want to get a new job, get a college degree, learn a language, lose weight, get in shape, fix your marriage, or play the piano? Well, do you REALLY want to, or do you just want to talk about… or whine about it?
You must always ask yourself a fundamental question whenever you want to do anything!
Counter Productive Speech – Present Intentions in the Past Tense
Do you ever notice that you will say, “I wanted to ask you…” “What I was going to ask you was…” “I just wanted to thank you.” Read more
The Art of Persuasion – Empathy
Show people that you understand.
Security vs. Dependency
Think about how often you opt for security. You will stick with the same job you dislike because you’ve got seniority or because you’re vested, you stick with the same mate you dislike because you think, “well, who else will have me?” Read more
The Art of Persuasion – Listening
It’s the best way to get your point across.
Relationship Killers – Contempt
If you think about your relationship with your mate and one or both of you is full of contempt for the other, that absolutely will kill the relationship. It is the most toxic thing you can do. Read more
The Art of Persuasion – How Does It Work?
Ask more questions.
Relationship Killers – Criticism
If you think about your relationship with your mate, you might notice that you and/or your mate is really good at criticizing. Read more